Irish PPS Number application form - REG 1
Please return applications by email to cis@welfare.ie or by post to:
Dept. of Social Protection
Shannon Lodge
Carrick on Shannon
Co Leitrim
The standard procedure for obtaining a PPS No is to make an application in person at one of the Departments’ Registration Centres and provide Proof of Identity.
An exemption from the standard procedure may be authorised by Client Identity Services in circumstances where the applicant is Ill/incapacitated, Non-Resident or working abroad. Where an exemption from the standard procedure has been authorised the following applies:
- Complete this declaration and return it with a REG1 form, completed as far as possible to Client Identity Services at the above address accompanied by evidence of your identity and evidence of address.
- Irish Nationals – Copy of Long form Birth Certificate and valid photographic ID (Passport/Drivers Licence)
- UK Nationals – Copy of Passport (or Copy of Drivers Licence which must be accompanied by a Birth Certificate)
- EU Nationals and EEA countries - Copy of Passport or copy of both sides of National ID card
- Non EEA countries – Copy of Passport
- If applicant under 16 years - a copy of applicants Birth Cert and a copy of parents Passport should accompany Reg1.
- Irish Nationals – Copy of Long form Birth Certificate and valid photographic ID (Passport/Drivers Licence)
- We will process your application and forward your PPS Number, but it is your responsibility to present the number to the Revenue Commissioners, Health Board or other Public Service providers requesting it.
- Client Identity Services reserves the right to decline to process any postal application, and also to insist on personal application at a Social Welfare Local Office where this is considered possible and practicable.